Read their Stories

Dr. Terry & Dr. Peggy Ellis

Dr. Ricky & Mrs. Judy Dunsford
Executive Vice President

Bro. Rick & Mrs. Judy Hildebrand
Director of Juvenile Ministry, Director of Deputation

Dr. Robert & Dr. Debbie Keeton
Director of Education

ROA is led by a group of incredible people

The Rock of Ages Main Office is the central hub for the ministry. It is here that all training and preparation for the missionary takes place, material is printed and assembled for distribution. The Main Office provides the setting for all administrative functions and provides accurate accounting for the financial support of each missionary family free of charge. The office also houses the Discipleship Institute and College of Biblical Studies & Theological Seminary. Funds for the operation of the Main Office come from local churches. Would you prayerfully consider monthly financial support for the Main Office? In so doing, you will have a part in the ministry of each missionary with Rock of Ages Ministries. All Rock of Ages missionaries and employees are tithing members of Independent Baptist Churches.