Our goal is to make a positive impact in the lives of America's next generation of leaders by teaching character, morals, and ethics. This is accomplished through the presentation of our Character Under Construction curriculum where students are given a prescription to help them in their commitment to developing a meaningful life. Topics include Honesty, Trustworthiness, Responsibility, Forgiveness, Compassion, Patience, and a host of other subjects which make up a four year curriculum. Please visit our Character Under Construction web site by clicking on the Character Under Construction link on the home page.

We believe in order to fulfill the Great Commission we must direct new converts to a local church. However, in many cities, towns, and villages around the world there are no Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches. The Lord has given us direction at Rock of Ages Ministries to assist local churches in church planting endeavors. Our goal is to target areas where prisoners, students, military personnel, or unreached people groups, cities, tribes, and villages exist which have no doctrinally sound Baptist church established within a reasonable expanse. Our philosophy is to establish indigenous, autonomous churches.

God has blessed Rock of Ages Ministries and provided bilingual missionaries who can reach out to the Spanish speaking population. Brother Gerald Anglin holds the position of Representative of the Hispanic Department. He has been instrumental in translating our study courses. Through his work, many tracts and a bilingual God's Simple Plan of Salvation have been published and are used to reach the Hispanic population with the printed Word of God. He is a veteran missionary and has a fervent desire to reach souls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Our Lovely Ladies Ministry is structured to reach women prisoners and family members with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through our "Help for the Hurting Christmas Stocking” project.
Emphasis is placed on evangelism, discipleship, character-building, and Gospel literature distribution. We named this ministry the Lovely Ladies because most of these women do not feel lovely due to the shame associated with their crime. We work through local churches to accomplish all areas of our ministry.
Thousands of Christmas stockings are distributed annually. Each Christmas stocking is filled with personal hygiene items and most importantly, Gospel literature, tracts, and New Testaments when available, resulting in hundreds trusting Christ as their Saviour.
Lovely Ladies Ministry offers to churches, ladies’ groups, individuals and businesses a variety of ministry opportunities through volunteer services, providing New Testaments, and personal hygiene items for the Christmas Stockings projects. All gifts and donations are tax deductible.