Executive Staff

Read their Stories

Terry Ellis - Ellis'

Dr. Terry &  Dr. Peggy Ellis


Dr. Ellis holds the position of President of Rock of Ages Ministries. He is a veteran missionary since January 1986; his ministry and leadership are marked by highest standards of character and integrity. Under the guidance of the Holy Ghost he is leading the ministry forward, expanding the work, and challenging the Rock of Ages missionaries to do more for Christ each day. His earnest desire to see every soul reached with the Gospel of Christ is made evident by the countless hours he spends in prayer seeking God's direction for Rock of Ages Ministries and its various outreaches.
Terry Ellis - Dunsfords-2

Dr. Ricky & Mrs. Judy Dunsford
Executive Vice President

Dr. Dunsford holds the position of Executive Vice President of Rock of Ages Ministries. His missionary service in the United States and abroad enable Dr. Dunsford to have a clear understanding of the needs and opportunities of a worldwide ministry. God has entrusted him with unique talents and an ability to work with foreign peoples; he was greatly used by God to start and maintain new works in several foreign countries. Dr. Dunsford's compassion and vision to reach the lost worldwide for Christ are exemplary.
Terry Ellis - Hildabrands

Bro. Rick & Mrs. Judy Hildebrand
Director of Juvenile Ministry, Director of Deputation

Brother Rick Hildebrand leads the Youth Ministry and the Prison Prevention Program. The Lord has used him greatly, through his Spirit-led preaching and teaching in prisons and public schools since 1998 to reach souls with the Gospel of Christ. Bro. Hildebrand has a great burden for the youth of America and the nations of this world. His dedication and steadfastness in ministry are exemplary and  inspirational, overshadowed only by the magnitude of his servitude to others.
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Dr. Robert & Dr. Debbie Keeton
Director of Education

Dr. Robert Keeton, our Director of Education, has been a missionary with Rock of Ages Ministries since 1987. He oversees the College of Biblical Studies and Theological Seminary, the Rock of Ages Discipleship Institute, and conducts specialized, advanced training sessions for missionaries in the United States and abroad. His tremendous knowledge and skills in the fields of education and  technology are greatly used by God to impact this world with the Gospel of Jesus  Christ.
Roth, Dr. David & Chonia 2015
Dr. Gene & Mrs. Bessie Hooker
Dr. Gene Hooker serves as the Secretary of Rock of Ages Ministries and as a member of the Executive Staff. Dr. Hooker is a veteran missionary and has served with Rock of Ages for over three decades. Dr. Hooker is responsible for various aspects of the ministry such as the oversight of the printing ministry and construction projects of the new office complex.
Dr. David & Mrs. Chonia Roth
North America Field Representative
Dr. David Roth serves as North America Field Representative. His ministry extends across the United States and encompasses many aspects of responsibility and service, with a special focus on strengthening, building, training, and expanding the missionary work on the field.  As seasoned missionaries and dedicated servants of the Lord, Brother David and Sister Chonia labor faithfully in reaching souls in the prisons, juvenile detention centers, and public schools with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Board of Directors

ROA is led by a group of incredible people

Pastor Ricky Gravley & Mrs. Nolita Gravley

Bible Baptist Church, Rossville, Georgia

Pastor Dewayne Jowers & Mrs. Lisa Jowers,

Grace Baptist Church, Baldwin, Florida

Pastor Tim McCulley & Mrs. Deborah McCulley,

Philadelphia Baptist Church, Calhoun, Georgia


Pastor Jason McNeese & Mrs. Hope McNeese

Emmorton Baptist Church, Bel Air, Maryland

Pastor Roger Wagner & Mrs. Mary Wagner,

Berean Baptist Church, Old Fort, Tennessee

Office Personnel



  The Rock of Ages Main Office is the central hub for the ministry. It is here that all training and preparation for the missionary takes place, material is printed and assembled for distribution. The Main Office provides the setting for all administrative functions and provides accurate accounting for the financial support of each missionary family free of charge. The office also houses the Discipleship Institute and College of Biblical Studies & Theological Seminary. Funds for the operation of the Main Office come from local churches. Would you prayerfully consider monthly financial support for the Main Office? In so doing, you will have a part in the ministry of each missionary with Rock of Ages Ministries. All Rock of Ages missionaries and employees are tithing members of Independent Baptist Churches.

Brigitte Wilson
Secretary to the President & Main Office,
 & Bible Sales

Therese Herron
Secretary, Financial Department

Terry Hamby 

Linda Brewster 

Katrina Hohmann
Secretary, Discipleship Institute
Glenda Klinger
Secretary, Discipleship Institute

Wayne Slater